Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tagged by ELIZA !

1. Real name : Eric gan zheng ling
2. Nickname : GUN , machine gun -,-! , ah niang .
3. Star sign : libra
4. Male or female : male/man/boy.
5. Primary school : Gongshang Primary School
6. Secondary school : East Spring Secondary School
7. JC/POLY : i wan poly !
8. Hair color :black and brown(little bit)!
9. Long or short : short
10 . Loud or Quiet : average luh!
11. Sweats or Jeans : jeans!
12. Phone or camera : camera!
13. Health freak : no.maybe munho?
14 . Drink or smoke : drink little bit
15 . Do you have a crush on someone : nope! :D
16 . Eat or drink : Eat And Drink!
17 . Piercings : i wan!!
18 . Tattoos : Aft 21?

Have You Ever ;
19. Been in an airplane : Yeah-ah!
20 . Been in a relationship : yup!
21 . Been in a car accident : no luh.choy!
22 . Been in a fist fight : yea.

Firsts ;
23. First piercing : not yet!
24 . First best friend : err julian?
25 . First award : primary school sports day omg!
26 . First Crush : hmm my pig :D
27 . First Vacation : hongkong ! 4-5 years old lehh omg so young!=x

Lasts ;
28 . Last person you talked to : marcus and hazmi!
29 . Last person you texted to : Xinhui!
30 . Last person(s) you watched a movie with : Terence , Natalie , Jeremy , Sherman,Eliza, julian
32. Last food you ate : biscuits !
33 . Last movie you watched : Angels and Demons
34 . Last song you listened to : Green day ! Know Your Enemy !
35 . Last thing you bought : duck rice LOL
36 . Last person you hugged : Xinhui :D

Favourites ;
37 . Food : white chicken rice ! Bai Zhan Ji !
38. Drinks : Polar mineral water -,-!
39 . Clothing : slim fits wif Bermudas?
40 . Books : Ride bmx!
41 . Song : many many many !
42 . Flower : i dun tink i like that ?!
43 . Colors : Flat black and cyan!
44 . Movies : Yes Man !! Transporter 3
45 . Phrase : "YEAH-AH! woooo!"
46 . Subjects : Maths

You ever done before ;
47 . Kissed in the snow : No! duhh!
48 . Celebrated Halloween : Never.
49. Had your heart broken : Yes.
50 . Went over the minutes on your cell phone : Yes
51 . Someone questioned your sexual orientation : somehow yes and no?
52 : Came out of the closest : what toking u ?
53 . Gotten pregnant : i am a male dude!
54 . Had an abortion : walao ._.
55 . Done something you've regretted : yupp
56 . Broke a promise : what u tink?
57 . Hid a secret : Yes :D!
58 . Pretended to be happy : Yes
59 . met someone who changed your life : Yes!!!!
60 . Pretended to be sick : No
61 . Left the country : Yes!
62 . Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : Yes!
63 . Cried over the silliest thing : no!
64 . Ran a mile : yea !
65 . Went to the beach with your best friend(s) :haha yea !
66 . Stay single the whole year : nope =x

Currently ;
67 . Eating : nothing?!
68. Drinking : apple juice !
69. I'm about ton : nah i am a pig !
70 . Listening to : many bands .
71 . Plans for tomorrow : buy jacinta present before going LAN (maybe)?
72 . Waiting for : meeting xinhui!
73 . Want kids : Yes? when i am married to that pig =x
74. Want to get married : yahh
75 . Careers in mind : engineer ? researcher? police ? army ?
76 . Which is better than Girl / Boy : same same lah
76 . Lips or eyes : wad u mean -,-
77 . Shorter or taller : shorter ah duhh i am short D: !!
78 . Romantic or spontaneous :
79 . Nice stomach or nice arms : nice stomach!
80. Sensitive or loud : loud bah .
81 . Hook-up or relationship : relationship! :D
82. Trouble-maker or hesistant : Hesistant !

Have you ever ;
83. Lost glasses/ contacts : haha ! ya
84. Ran away from home : No? who so defiant =x
85. Hold a gun or knife for self defense : nope
86 . Killed somebody : no luh!
87 . Broken someone's heart : yeap
88 . Been arrested : No
89. Cried when someone died : er no

Do you believe in ;
90 . yourself : yes.
91. Miracles : depends uh
92 . Love at first sight : yeah!
93 . Heaven : ya!
94 . Santa Claus : haha maybe?
95 . Sex on the first date : nope!
96 . Kiss on the first date : Nope!
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yes!
98 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : Yeah !
100 . This is the 100th & last question : walao so many?!

Now tag 10 people to do this :
1)Xinhui PIG! :D
2)Marcus JIEJIE ! :D
3)Munho ! :D
4)Zann dumb ex partner ! :D
5)anyone wan do do lor?

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