Saturday, June 13, 2009

kayy, bored here, so decided to look up some vids?? :O
So found some 'interesting' clips? 'INTERESTING' you know.....
I duuno lahh, i only know im dam bored, and surprised thad i still remember his id and p/w xD

Here are the short clips???

This is NICE, buden dangerous :O let's say lah...whad if he fails and his head plunge straight down ?:O so thad's why it's called professional huh? PRO?

this is damn OMG lahs, *OUCH* , hopes dear nvr will try darn dangerous :O

Ohkay....thad's it...i know i kinda lame, but dun blame me!
Blame MrGan fer not replying my msg now:}
Bbyes people..xiinhuii[the dumb pig who updated for him] :x

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