Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hazmi brought his camera along . so we tried it :)

What happens when u meet the sucky day of ur life ?
obviously the worst stuffs it could happen to u lah .

was early again ! WOO
temperature taking again.
had chinese for first period did zuo wen . wthell haven finish left 2 paragraph shit .
den to pe !
we had inter-class competition at the new sports hall ! chio sia the hall .
english .
i forgot her name ! she sung a song !
did northern ireland sioh!
as usual ate and chat wif haz marcus and mh.
Maths .
learn more bout Emaths trigo . toa kah soh !
but i slept a little LOL mr tan sat beside me wth .
huat ah ms cai nver come . went to library to study wif jiaqian jingshi sherman jerome and jeremy !.
did a little of chinese compo haha .

went to ncc room to clean up and slack tere !
lerh disgusting got dead cockroach
around 4+ met haz,elfi,sufie, afiq. aft i went home to change .
went to many many many places . before elfi left at the playground and we went to 3 garden tere play .
10+ got bored and tried barspin .
kah boom . in a split second i found my self lying on the floor , groaning in pain . wth...
suckiest thing ever.
my first barspin attempt .
haha .
Now my ankle swollen LOL
hope it recovers before fri den . bedok! :D byes all

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