Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally i can post! . too busy to post these few days . test test test and more tests . still got one more ss test . its killing me !

i failed my poa . sucks .
mr tan changed out place sucks even more . no more jeremy = no more food = no more slacking time = no more fun . oh ya bun is gone as well . now siew huey is behind me -.- wif eliza . hengg still got eliza boyf :)
agnes gonna be my new new partner . hi tere ! get well soon . hmm
tis sat gonna celebrate hadi bdae ! happy bdae kazua ! :)
finished my hw except chem ! too much to do so deceided tmr copy ! i tink tmr return test )':

hee as usual tmr gonna hav mac for breakfast again ! wee :)

ps: i am hungry again .
i just dont have the guts to do it when its about u . its always about u . i nver knew u but i wish to be known by you.i wanna tell u how i feel , bt i jus cant .

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