Saturday, October 24, 2009

cnt read sim card .
bullshit phone .

today i dun like every period except eng . so i slept through every period since i am so tired haha .
eh i slp and do corrections sia. :B

afternoon .
went orchard and bought my tee at four skins.
weijie bought his 'cyclops' shades and topman stuffs.
sherman bought a tee at four skins too .
jacinta is jus tere being a big hole .
hadianti went tere and bought nth . but shes an angry girl when she gets hungry :x

jus came back frm downstairs slacking wif mcr ,elfi and hazmi.
chit chatted . msged . lepak all the way .
while coming up i dropped my phone and therefore its dead . ))':

emo la emo la . no hp .

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