Friday, May 15, 2009

hey i got a radio as my playlist ! =x like big uh! hack care lah .
bigger better.
okays i left tis blog soo dead during exams now got break uh at least can breathe . wtf lah i tink i fail alot of exams lor . gg lah . heyhey left A maths and POA better jiayou LOL.
skipped all exam days.
yesterdae physics lor . sian la tink flunk liao .
ok yesterday aft exams darling came my house we studied POA :D!
okok den went to ride aft she went home as simple as that.

today choinged to tuition as i was freaking-ly late for it.
studied for 2 hours and went to meet darling , hadi , jac , mh , julian . marcus and hazmi diddnt came ! =x
oh ya Jacinta shoe tore somehow when i saw her ! =x hee hee
went to starbucks to study and soon few hours lata was chased off ! walao .! how can!?
so bo bian went to jacinta house studied and i jus learn the entity thing for poa .
watched spongebob! haha reminds me of childhood times. :D
aft that went to sent darling home before i went home .
Hadi went to eat her delicious hawker centre food wif family ! =x
byes all ! POA , A maths 1 and Mother Tongue 2 Left!

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