Sunday, May 3, 2009

fri !
went to study wif eliza hadi and munho and julian.
went mac but was chased out den to starbucks .
studied and julian came half way
i had to go at 5
ok went to outram park tere
dunno wad restaurant was that but it was old and very OLD!
ok la i went tere a lot of times liao since young
my ah po de frens so cnt blame she head of family so she make deceisions o.o
ate and went food was great !
:D so short eh .
woke up at 10.30 rushed aft bathing down to starbuck to meet darling , kazua and the spongebob zharbor.
studied and went to buy food wif darling !
ACTUALLY uh is i drag her one. she wher got so defiant one eat infront of me ! :D
joke :x
munho and marcus came and continue studying till weijie came and we deceided to go mh house to play block catching.
idk why but i and xh was chosen to be catchers aft open numbers o.o ( see la fate la pig)
we walked around trying to find them cause i nver went to mh block before LOL
so creepy xh freaked out cheh!
nvm la got me :D
den got one part i heard some low voiced guy talking tot is weijie so i and darling went down . wanted to "catch" him de ! but den is an AH PEH . wtf?
continued and went down as time is up.
den the spongebob girl need go lor . took group pic and she left aft taking our bags .
the rest of us continued to slack and went home aft that . eh whers the pic wj took uh =x !
byes all ! was forced to post by darling ! ( pics up!)
MAKAN ok ! unhealthy me eating fast food :x
unglam kazua!
hee =x! guai ok study
Group pic ! Once a 2e5 08 .
NOTE: look at munho , giving that jiaobin like a jackass =x JOKE !
if u know mr tan yim siong u shld know wad it means :D

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