Monday, August 3, 2009

i am doing my A maths hw while blogging at the same time! aint tt great . 2 in 1 LOL
ok alot of stuffs happened . so gonna blog briefly . pics will be up lata if blogger recovers!
saturday .
went to ride at 2+ i tink . forgot.
first thing tt pisses me off . me and haz choinged the traffic as the green man is going off . the cars were turning .
hello ? cant u see ppl riding . ._. 1 horn all horn . is like wow . i was like shocked !
things happened .went to elfi house . aft dinner at his house . we went to DTE again and slacked before going to T1 again .
at T1 i was really pissed .

woke up at 11 thnks to eliza boyfriend ! tyvm :)~ she also jus woke up LOL
everyone was tere and i reached at 11.45 . diddnt realise boyf was behind me oops =x!
ate BBQ chicken . and trained to jurong . taaahhh science centre.kind of fun though ! but i cnt find the mirror part which i really want to go ! i still remember the time as a kid where i got lost in the maze of mirrors and bang against the mirror to find my way out ! =x

the Leonardo da vinci exhibition wasnt as fun though . all i can say is hes a smart man .
trained back to tamp @ 6+
wanted to eat at kim gary . but was so packed. so we deceided on carl's jr !
shiok man . i went around telling everyone to upsize to large and we all have a big portion of leftovers!
i want to eat again .anyone wants to join me?

met sherman jiaqian jerome xiaopang eliza natalie jingshi at mac ! to copy homework of course LOL
wasnt much fun today . was slping thru chem . damn .
finally we had assembly .
was some poet thingy. i love to sit on top :)
aft sch had the phonics thingy . the teacher was kinda old . ok very old !
was more of a bore . wasted my $
went to mac and bused home .

i wan to giv u up . i am unable to continue .

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