Saturday, September 19, 2009

the fun outings we had :)

ITS FRIDAY . pls i diddnt get to enjoy and ride today ! ))):
school once again i slept thru alot of the lessons . pls work harder eric !
homeworks start to fill up my life once again .
oh and i want to eat all the kueh i can cause its hari raya ! lmao

went to ride at about 4+
met julian and went to makan at kfc :)
den to red blocks and find a rdm banks to play .
aft tt met marcus and hazmi at tmart before heading to my block as i hav to pray .
slacked and chatted ,before they left for t1 i tink?
went home and started to plurk like mad thnks to sherman LOL

tmr going to go study . its time to work hard and be super guai :)
i miss riding . i miss outings. i miss everything . and who knows even u .

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