Thursday, September 17, 2009

woo. today was kinda slack although i slept during lessons again.
lucky it rained and was still early.
walked to class and eliza tapped me frm behind . made me chua sai LOL

chem was much of a bore wif teo jj.

maths was funny ! mr tan started to suan ppl to catch our attention again as usual . ahah i was one of them although i forgot wad he said ._.

eng had the conversation and we changed partners tis time ! haziq was so excited when it reached the marriage topic den jus nice times up * he gave a disappointed look*

geog went thru chpt 12 and started 13 . last 15 min mdm noureen slacked and talked bout many many things even blood types -.-
she said " T-rex are big in size but the brain dam small."
jeremy diddnt hear it properly and hes first impression was thinking of mdm noureen talking bout harold oops ! haha bastard .

poa ms cai diddnt came ! woo some rdm teacher came i slacked throughout poa.

sfl was some motivator talk by high acheivers .
was kinda more of a joke.

aft sch stressed and hunt down sec 1s.
went for napfa thingy and did the inclined pull ups.
returned to ncc room to slack like hell till 4 + LOL
they raped me once . ):
went for tuition at punggol lata :)
overall was fun today ! i love to slack in ncc room .

i better start studying now. eoy is coming and i am slacking wthells

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