Wednesday, September 16, 2009


lets post bout today . was a boring day much ..
i slept during ss and poa
was crappy.
lost my voice during cca.
everything sucks.
some ppl get number frm girl say is i wan . make me xia suey.
keep staring at me .
come la stare.
BOMB.haha back frm mac aft dinner wif zhan kang .
gonna choing teo jj hw lata.
heee gonna get promoted to SSG without a lanyard . -.-
tmr gonna be having napfa thingy and maths remedial.den tuition.
tell me i can survive tmr pls .someone.
ps. i want to play wif fire extinguisher again ! :x spray matthew . make him cry .

sherman chew. yumyum food lol!

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